8 Tips to Sleep Better and Wake Up Refreshed


8 Tips to Sleep Better and Wake Up Refreshed

How do you sleep better? Most people don’t have trouble
falling asleep, but they do have trouble waking up feeling refreshed, which
makes a big difference in how the day goes for them.

 The way to wake up
refreshed is to go to bed at the right time and get enough sleep every
night—both of which are difficult if you’re having trouble sleeping. 

There are
some simple things you can do, however, that will help you fall asleep faster
and wake up feeling refreshed every morning.

1) Avoid your phone before bed

8 Tips to Sleep Better and Wake Up Refreshed

If you’re looking for ways to sleep better, one of the
easiest things you can do is avoid using your phone in the hours leading up to

 The blue light emitted by screens can suppress melatonin production and
make it harder to fall asleep.

 Plus, using your phone before bed can make it
harder to wake up feeling refreshed in the morning. Try reading or listening to
music instead of scrolling through social media in the evening.

2) Don’t drink caffeine after lunch

8 Tips to Sleep Better and Wake Up Refreshed

Caffeine has a half-life of six hours, which means that it
takes about that long for your body to clear the caffeine from your system.

if you drink coffee at 3pm, you’re still going to have half the caffeine in
your system when you go to bed at 11pm.

 That can lead to insomnia. So cut
off caffeine after lunchtime and see if it makes a difference in how quickly
you fall asleep.


3) Avoid LED lights in the evening

8 Tips to Sleep Better and Wake Up Refreshed

The light emitted by LED screens suppresses the release of
melatonin, the hormone that makes you sleepy. 

This is why you may feel more awake
after looking at your phone late at night. If you’re having trouble sleeping,
try avoiding LED lights for a few hours before bedtime.

 You could also try
wearing blue-light blocking glasses or installing an app that filters the blue
light from your screen.


4) Keep your room dark

8 Tips to Sleep Better and Wake Up Refreshed

One way to fall asleep faster is to keep your room dark. This means no electronics with screens that emit blue light, which can awake
our brains and no bright lights from lamps or the sun. 

Darkness cues our
brains that it is time for sleep. If you can’t keep your room pitch black, try
using an eye mask or earplugs.

5) Try aromatherapy before bed 

8 Tips to Sleep Better and Wake Up Refreshed

Research suggests that certain essential oils can help
improve sleep quality. Lavender oil is one of the most popular options for
insomnia, as it’s thought to promote relaxation.

 Chamomile and ylang-ylang are
also effective essential oils for sleep. To use aromatherapy for sleep, add a
few drops of oil to a diffuser or add a few drops of oil to a warm bath.

can also apply diluted essential oil to your pillow before bedtime.

6) Wear socks to bed

8 Tips to Sleep Better and Wake Up Refreshed

 It may sound silly but wearing socks to bed
can actually help increase blood flow and circulation, which in turn can improve your
overall quality of sleep.

 Plus, it just feels cozy and can help you relax
before bed. Here are a few tips for picking the right pair of socks:

– Choose a material that will wick away moisture, like wool
or bamboo.

– Avoid synthetic materials like polyester, which can trap

– Go for a thin or medium-weight sock so you don’t overheat
during the night.

7) Set an alarm for your ideal wake-up time

8 Tips to Sleep Better and Wake Up Refreshed

Waking up feeling refreshed is all about getting enough
sleep, and setting an alarm for your ideal wake-up time is a great way to make
sure you get enough shut-eye.

 But there are other things you can do to fall
asleep faster and wake up feeling great. Follow these eight tips and you’ll be
on your way to a good night’s sleep.

1) Establish a regular sleep schedule. Going to bed and
waking up at the same time each day will help regulate your body’s natural
sleep rhythm.

2) Create a bedtime routine. A relaxing bedtime routine can
help cue your body that it’s time to wind down for the night.

3) Keep a cool, comfortable bedroom environment.

The Final Note

With a little effort, you can fall asleep faster and wake up
feeling refreshed. Start by setting an alarm for a consistent time every day so
that your body clock adjusts.

 Then make sure you exercise or do some other form
of physical activity at least four hours before bedtime. It helps release
feel-good endorphins and promotes better circulation, which helps the brain
produce melatonin and serotonin that promote healthy sleep patterns.

drinking coffee in the afternoon or evening because it contains caffeine which
will keep you awake longer than desired.

Sleep is essential for our overall health and well-being. Unfortunately, many of us don’t get enough quality sleep. If you’re struggling to get a good night’s rest, try these tips. 

8 Tips to Sleep Better and Wake Up Refreshed