Foods You Must Avoid During Weight Loss Journey!!

Foods You Must Avoid During Weight Loss Journey!!

If you want to lose weight or maintain it, then you have to
avoid these foods so that you lose your weight in a healthy way.

 A lot of people have
this problem that they follow the proper diet plan and also include exercise and
workout in their daily routine still they are not getting the desired results.
There are people who don’t overeat and maintain their portion control but still, their weight is stuck and they are unable to lose weight.

 The problem here is
actually they are having these 8 food items in their diet and because of them, they don’t lose weight. I have not only discussed all of them here but I have
also mentioned their replacements.


Please read this blog completely. Otherwise, you may develop
a lot of misunderstandings!

Actually, there is no such food that can cause your weight to
increase or decrease but it’s always about the amount you consume and obviously
the quality of the food.

1. Sugar

Foods To Avoid During Weight Loss Journey!!

As everyone knows that during our weight loss journey we
have to avoid sugar. But when people are said to avoid sugar they switch to
options like Brown Sugar or Jaggery (گڑ).
The fact is that all three of them: white sugar, brown sugar, and jaggery have the same amount of calories. So there is no big difference in replacing them with
each other.

The best replacement you can have while losing weight is
STEVIA. You can add it to your tea and desserts. The calories of stevia are
comparatively lesser Than any sugar or jaggery.

2. Milk

Foods To Avoid During Weight Loss Journey!!

Milk is such an option that you can opt for in both cases:
Weight loss and weight Gain. The main aspect is its quality and quantity.

Talking about quality, during the weight loss journey we have to
take low-fat milk. You have to take out its fat content/cream two times: Once
after boiling and the next time you get it after refrigeration. After the complete
removal of its fat content, it is totally safe to consume milk even if you are
trying to lose weight.

Now coming towards the quantity, 1 glass of milk is enough.
It is advised to set a proper time for milk intake. Usually, people take it at
night before going to sleep but in that case, milk causes bloating and disturbs
our stomach which has a negative impact on our weight.

The best time to take milk is between two major meals and if
you take it between lunch and breakfast then it’s the best.

3. Doodh Patti

Foods To Avoid During Weight Loss Journey!!

All of us know that Pakistanis love chai/Doodh Patti and can’t
leave it. But what actually happens is that the addition of tea in milk locks the
calcium and other nutrients of milk. Our body doesn’t get any nutrients but a
lot of extra calories.

2nd mistake is taking tea with any meal. It also
locks nutrients and causes bloating.

Now it’s time to talk about the solution to this problem. You
can replace doodh Patti with chai. Chai means adding almost one-third of milk and
the remaining amount of water. You can take it after one hour of your meal. Don’t
take it with any meal.

Another big mistake is that people add a lot of sugar to
their tea. This has no benefits and is literally too much harmful.

4. Fruit Juices

Foods To Avoid During Weight Loss Journey!!

Usually, people consider that the more juices we consume, the
more we’ll lose weight. This isn’t true at all. When we make juice, all the fibre
content of the fruits is discarded. We are only left with fructose sugar in our
glass. Its intake not at all helps us in weight loss.  

During your weight loss journey, Try to consume whole fruits
rather than fresh juices. So that your fibre intake is also not getting
compromised and you lose weight in a healthy way.

5. Red Meat

Foods To Avoid During Weight Loss Journey!!

Red meat should not be avoided but at least limited during
weight loss. Because it has a lot of fat content even if we are taking its lean
portion. Try to minimize the intake of red meat.

You can take it once or twice weekly. Try to have white
meat: chicken and fish because they have comparatively less fat content.

6. Bakery Items

Foods To Avoid During Weight Loss Journey!!

Limit the consumption of bakery items as they contain white
flour. White flour isn’t a good option for weight loss at any cost. Bakery
products are usually made using a lot of low-quality oil which is very harmful
to our health.

The same applies to frozen foods. Try to limit their intake. Try
to make those items at home using healthy options. So that your body also feels
full, and satisfied and gets all the nutrients even while losing weight.  

7. Wheat

Foods To Avoid During Weight Loss Journey!!

Never use white flour during your weight loss journey.
Because the fibre portion of that has been discarded while processing. Try to
use whole wheat flour.

8. Oils

Foods To Avoid During Weight Loss Journey!!

A very common myth is that losing weight is easy if you
start eating desi ghee or olive oil. There is no problem in consuming any of
them but they should be consumed within a limit as all the oils are processed and
any food that is processed is not going to help us in our weight loss journey.

You can directly use olives instead of olive oil or desi
ghee directly on the bread. But if you’ll cook any foodstuff in a great amount of
oil it will not be healthy for weight loss. Try to cook your foods in less
oil/ghee. Try to use oils in raw form and not processed ones.

The Final Note:

The same food items can cause you to gain and lose weight. It
all depends on how much you take it, how is its quality and in which form are
you consuming it. There is no magic food that can lose or gain weight. It’s
always the quality and quantity that matters.