Today I am going to talk about what you can do to lower your elevated cholesterol levels without medications. There is no need to take supplements or medicines for your disturbed cholesterol levels.
But if you are also having other health complications along with elevated cholesterol levels or your cholesterol levels are dangerously getting too high then it’s a must to consult your physician.
This is a general guideline for all of you guys who want to lower their cholesterol levels without any medicines and only with the help of their diet. So the main points are:
1. A little difficult but the best solution for high cholesterol levels is consuming a Garlic Clove (لہسن) early in the morning when you are empty stomach. Although I totally understand that it may be difficult for some people but believe me the results are worth it. It is a natural way to get your problem solved. You are surely going to love its results. This not only helps in lowering your cholesterol but is also very good for your health generally.
2. Take a diet that is high in fibre specifically soluble fibre. They can easily be found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, Flax Seeds (بیج کے السی), Basil seeds and chia seeds.
3. The cooking oil that you use in your daily life should be a plant-based oil. For instance; you may use canola oil, olive oil, and sesame seed oil. Try to add plant-based foods to your diet rather than animal-based foods and you will see amazing results if your cholesterol levels are elevated.
4. If you want to have milk or yoghurt, try to have low-fat milk/yoghurt. But in the first place try to avoid an animal-based diet as much as possible.
5. Try to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. These two are really helpful and beneficial in a lot of aspects of our health.
6. Consume a diet which is Omega-3 rich. Omega-3 is found in fish, Nuts (especially walnuts), Flax seeds Flaxseed oil and vegetable oils etc.
7. Consume WHOLE grains. For instance: Whole wheat flour, Brown rice, Oats, and Barley. Etc
8. Ginger is really a fantastic food for controlling your cholesterol levels. You can normally add it up while cooking your food and it would also add taste to your dishes.
9. Another amazing secret solution to your problem is Turmeric. Turmeric has a substance called curcumin, which makes using it to treat high cholesterol advantageous. It has been demonstrated that curcumin reduces LDL cholesterol and stops it from oxidising, inhibiting the development of arterial plaque.
You can also add a little turmeric to your green tea because that is also very beneficial.
10. Now we’ll talk about what should be avoided in your diet if you are trying to lower your cholesterol levels. It includes Mutton, Beef, Desi ghee, Fizzy Drinks, Junk food, White Flour products (bakery items) etc.
The Real Secret:
In my opinion, the biggest solution to the problem of high cholesterol levels is Physical Activity.
I would suggest you take a brisk walk for 45 minutes early in the morning after taking your daily dose of garlic clove(as already mentioned) and after that, you can take your breakfast.
If you are unable to walk on an empty stomach then at least make a routine of taking a brisk walk daily. You may alter the timing according to your ease and comfort.
The Final Note:
These are some really easy ways to lower your cholesterol levels and be healthy and happy.