Mango : Some Myths and Facts!!


Mango : Some myths and Facts !!

Summer has arrived, which means it’s time to enjoy some
delectable mangoes. Let’s admit it, we are always looking forward to this
time of year because we can enjoy fresh mangoes and a range of mango-based

Mango is a very wholesome fruit, aside from its flavour.
It is high in vitamin A and C, as well as antioxidants that are beneficial to
the health. There are, however, a few myths about it that must be banished.
Despite how much we all love it; many of us do not consume it to
its maximum potential due to popular misconceptions. 

Despite being golden, sweet, and hailed as the “king of
fruits,” the delightful mango has a terrible record. No matter whatever
kind of fruit you prefer,  summers are unfulfilled without at
least a handful of the sweetest mangoes the season has to offer.

 Nonetheless, if
you’re even slightly health-conscious, you’ve probably been warned to stay away
from mangoes as much of it as possible.

Some Myths about Mangoes 

Myth 1: Mango causes Weight Gain.

Mangoes are low in fat, salt and cholesterol. As a result, contrary to popular belief, eating mangoes will not make you gain weight. Vitamins (A, C, & B6), magnesium, iron, potassium, and dietary fibres abound in this fruit, making it one of the healthiest on the planet. As a result, folks who are trying to lose weight can happily gorge themselves on Mother Nature’s gift.

Mangoes are high in calories & fruit sugars, but it doesn’t mean eating them will make you gain weight. This fruit is also high in iron, potassium, copper , and bioactive substances such as mangifern, catechins and quercetin which your body requires in large quantities.

So, as long as you don’t overeat them, mangoes are basically more nourishing than fattening.

Myth 2: Mango can Make Your Skin Break Out in Acne.

 Antioxidants in mango help the body rid itself of
pollutants and free radicals. It assists in the removal of all hazardous wastes
from the body. As a result, the idea that mango promotes acne or pimples is

Acne and pimples can be exacerbated by a lack of
vitamin A, antioxidants, and minerals. This boosts your body’s keratin
production, and mango has all of these nutrients. So, welcome to the world of
healthy skin.

breakouts should not develop unless you consume much more mango than you

Myth 3: Diabetics should Not Eat Mango.

It is widely held that having mangoes is not
recommended for diabetics. Mango is a sugary fruit with a low glycemic index
(less than 55), making it acceptable for diabetics

. As a result, diabetics may have one mango each
day. You will not be harmed if you consume in moderation. Mango, in fact,
includes mangiferin, an essential antioxidant that aids in the regulation of
blood glucose levels by reducing them somewhat.

Experts advise diabetics to eat fruits with only
a glycaemic index (GI) of less than 55. Mangoes do have a GI of 51, so they
don’t raise blood sugar levels too much.

 As a
result, diabetics can safely eat modest pieces of mango in the morning.
Excessive mango consumption, on the other hand, can be exceedingly dangerous to
diabetics and therefore should be strictly avoided.

Myth 4: Mango can Raise Your Body Temperature.

Because your digestive system is busy processing
food and converting it to energy, eating anything causes heat in your body.
Mangoes, on the other side, can generate more heat in the body than in many other foods. Consuming fewer portions and just during the daytime can easily prevent
this from happening.

do, in fact, produce body heat when taken in large quantities. As a result,
this myth isn’t wholly untrue.

problem, however, has a simple and typical answer. Before eating the mangoes,
soak them in water for a few hours. This approach prevents the body from
generating heat.

Myth 5: You can Tell the Ripeness of Mango by its Skin Color.

 The colouration of the skin isn’t a reliable
measure of ripeness. It’s best to gently squeeze the fruit; a mature one will
yield slightly. A mature mango has a fruity scent.

If the mango is stiff and rigid, it needs some more time to mature, and if it’s pulpy and squashy then it is overripe and should be disposed off.

Myth 6: Mango can’t be Refrigerated.

Mangoes shouldn’t be refrigerated until they are ripe.

They will last about five days if kept in the refrigerator. They’ll last about two days if you keep them at room temperature.

Mangoes should be kept in the refrigerator once they are fully ripe to slow down their ripening process. Whole, ripe mangoes can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Mangoes can be skinned, diced and placed in an airtight container for several days in the refrigerator or for up to 6 months in the freezer. 

Mango : Some myths and Facts !!

Some Facts about Mangoes!!

1. Ripe mangoes have a sugar-acid ratio of around 28
and are 14 % sugar by weight and 0.5 % acidic by weight.

2. For millennia, mango bark, leaves, skin,
flesh, and pit have been utilised in folk treatments.

3. Mango is a drupe, or stone fruit, that has an
outer peel, a fleshy edible section, and a centre stone enclosing a single
seed, similar to a plum, cherry, or peach.

4. Send a mango to someone you love as mangoes signify love and friendship.

5. Mango leaves are poisonous to cattle. It is also harmful
to burn their leaves, wood, or trash.

6. After 300 years, trees can still produce fruit.

7. The mango is not only a national fruit of one country but three. India, the Philippines, and Pakistan are among these nations.

8. Mango leaves are poisonous to cattle. It is also harmful
to burn their leaves, wood, or trash.

9. After 300 years, trees can still produce fruit.

10. The mango is not only a national fruit of one country but three. India, the Philippines, and Pakistan are among these nations.



Mangoes are grown in large quantities every year. People eat
it virtually every day as a dessert throughout the summer. Many people enjoy it
in the form of ice cream. As a result, It offers joy to people of all ages.
Furthermore, the fruit’s additional health benefits make it even more

Mango is high in vitamins, minerals, & antioxidants,
& has been linked to a variety of health advantages, including
anti-cancer properties, increased immunity, and digestive as well as ocular

Best of all, it’s delicious and simple to
incorporate into your food as part of shakes and a variety of different foods.