Why Am I Always Feeling Tired, Weak And Lazy ?

Why Am I Always Feeling Tired, Weak And Lazy ?

You’re struggling to shift out of first gear even it’s the midst of the day. Do you feel so exhausted because you didn’t get enough sleep, or may there is any other reason?

Feeling exhausted after getting what you believed to be a restful night’s sleep? By noon, are you reaching for your 3rd cup of coffee to help you keep going? Yes, at different times in our lives, we all experience tiredness.

If your answer is yes to all these questions, You’re not the only one who has excessive fatigue or low energy.

Why Am I Always Feeling Tired, Weak And Lazy ?

Even though everyone gets fatigued occasionally, persistent exhaustion can lower your life quality and keep you from enjoying activities you like.

Most of the time, changing one’s lifestyle or diet, treating a nutrient deficit, or attending to an underlying medical condition can alleviate fatigue. However, you must identify the root of exhaustion if you want to improve it.

Here are some of the possible causes of your constant tiredness.

1. Stress 

A certain amount of stress is normal, but persistent stress is connected to exhaustion.

Chronic stress can actually cause stress-related exhaustion disorder (ED), a medical condition that is defined by both psychological and physical tiredness symptoms.

Chronic stress can also lead to structural & functional changes in the brain as well as chronic inflammation, both of which can affect how you feel and cause symptoms like lethargy.

Why Am I Always Feeling Tired, Weak And Lazy ?

Even though you might not be able to escape stressful circumstances, particularly those involving work or family duties, learning to manage your tension may help you avoid becoming completely exhausted.

For instance, you can schedule a time to relax by taking a shower, practising meditation, or going for a stroll.

You might get assistance from a therapist in creating stress-reduction plans. A virtual treatment is also available, and many health insurance policies cover mental health counselling.

2. Nutrient Deficiencies

You might experience constant fatigue as a result of nutrient deficits.

Weakness and fatigue may be due to the deficiency of vitamin C, D, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 or B12. 

The most common one is iron deficiency which may sometime result in anaemia and cause fatigue and tiredness.

According to a study, The levels of vitamin D in more than half of the world’s population are insufficient.

Why Am I Always Feeling Tired, Weak And Lazy ?

Deficiencies of all of them are really common. If you’re feeling fatigued for no apparent reason, it’s crucial to have your levels checked because these imbalances are quite frequent.

Usually, as your vitamin levels return to normal, the exhaustion caused by a dietary imbalance in one or more nutrients gets better.

3. Overdosing On Caffeine

There is no doubt that energy drinks and caffeinated drinks boost energy levels but it is also true that their excess may make us lazy.

 Your tiredness may be a cause of disturbed sleep which itself is the result of a high caffeine intake.

According to research, persons who are fatigued in the morning tend to drink excessive amounts of coffee, which disrupts their sleep pattern. The cycle of inadequate sleep followed by an excess of caffeine would then be continued if you overused coffee or other caffeinated beverages for energy.

Why Am I Always Feeling Tired, Weak And Lazy ?

A high caffeine intake is associated with daytime sleepiness, increased daytime sleepiness, higher daytime awakenings, and greater overnight concern. 

If you routinely consume caffeinated beverages and are having trouble falling or staying asleep, consider cutting back to see if that helps.

4. Inadequate Hydration

It’s crucial to stay hydrated to keep your energy levels up.

The water lost as a result of metabolic processes in the body must be replaced.

When you don’t consume enough fluids to make up for the water lost through urination, faeces, sweat, and breath, dehydration sets in. 

It is proven that dehydration causes impairment in concentration and lowers energy levels. Dehydration affects almost all the systems of the human body, especially our sleeping patterns.

Why Am I Always Feeling Tired, Weak And Lazy ?

Even though you might have heard that you should consume eight 8 glasses of water per day, your actual hydration requirements will depend on your weight, sex, age, and amount of exercise.

The goal is to stay well-hydrated by consuming enough fluids. The following are typical signs of dehydration: thirst, exhaustion, dizziness, and headaches.

5. A Sedentary Way Of Life

According to my personal viewpoint,  the biggest reason for our laziness and lethargy is the absence of physical activity in our life. Usually, most of us are sitting all day doing our work whether talking about a student or any working person. Everybody must try their best to add a little time to their busy schedule for some exercise at least a 30-minute walk is a must.

Why Am I Always Feeling Tired, Weak And Lazy ?

 Daytime fatigue may result from a sedentary lifestyle. More exercise may reduce fatigue feelings in some people, even those with illnesses.

The Conclusion

Even while everyone has off days where they feel drained out, it’s not natural to feel this way all the time.

Some underlying medical issues, sleep disorders, caffeine abuse, dietary imbalances or chronic stress can be a reason for your constant fatigue and exhaustion.

It’s crucial to discuss the source of your unusual exhaustion with your physician.

Once you determine the root cause(s) and make the necessary lifestyle and nutritional changes — or receive the proper therapy for medical concerns — your fatigue should typically get better.